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COBRA fire-fighter suit won an award at 11th EDURA 2016 fair

International Rescue and Fire-Fighting Technique Fair EDURA 2016 is a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences between the domestic and foreign representatives of the medical rescue, protection and fire-fighting branches. Lubawa S.A. prepared many products which had their premiere at the fair, as well as the new Rockmaster Lubawa brand.

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Lubawa S.A. on ANACONDA 2016 military exercise

International military exercise, in which soldiers from 19 NATO countries took part, came to an end. Lubawa S.A. presented its products there. The Minister of National Defence, Antoni Macierewicz himself, visited our booth, on 16 June when he attended the military exercise on the proving grounds in Drawsko Pomorskie.

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Lubawa S.A. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, NIP 744-00-04-276, REGON 510349127, KRS 0000065741, Prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto I Wilda W Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy wynosi 30.054.000 zł i został w całości opłacony, BDO 000010404, będąca „dużym przedsiębiorcą” w rozumieniu art. 4 punkt 6) ustawy z dnia 08.03.2013r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych