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Lubawa S.A. Supplied Rescue Equipment for the Emergency Management Agency of Georgia

The equipment was purchased by the Embassy of Poland in Tbilisi with the financial support of Polish Aid.

The rescue and disaster risk reduction equipment – gas-tight protective suits, medical bags, decontamination chambers and pneumatic tents – were purchased for the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Several rescuers of EMA received training at the premises of Lubawa S.A. at the expense of the company.

Ambassador of Poland to Georgia Andrzej Cieszkowski, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Merab Malania and Director of Emergency Management Agency Zviad Katsashvili and General Director of Lubawa Armenia Jaroslaw Ruch attended the ceremony in Tbilisi on 22 of January and watched a simulation of a radionuclear accident arranged by the rescuers of EMA.

The project was coordinated by Lubawa Armenia CJSC.

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