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A pneumatic inner tube of the boat has a 4-compartment design. It features inlet- outlet for tubing for filling the compartments with air, and flow tubes for distributing the air between the compartments. Clamps are attached to flow tubes to close the air flow between the compartments. The basic (abridged) version of the instructions for use is placed on the dinghy’s inner side of the bottom. The bottom is permanently fixed to a pneumatic inner tube. The dinghy is equipped with flipper gloves used for pushing away when swimming in the water. The pneumatic inner tube is equipped with a safety valve and an inlet valve for inflating the boat using a compressed air cylinder. Ropes are attached to the side of the pneumatic tube to facilitate access into the dinghy from the water. The bow section features a fixture with a mooring rope. The boat is packaged in a transport cover fastened with buckles, equipped with a handgrip, a shoulder carrying strap and belt loops for attaching it to a lap belt. The cover contains a pocket with a repair pouch, which is also included in the kit.


ONE-PERSON RESCUE BOAT is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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