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Lubawa Group actively participated in the 27th "Tracker" rally

On 18th-19th May 2019, in Twardogóra (PL), the 27th edition of the "Tropiciel" (eng. Tracker) orientation rally took place.

Such initiatives are a great opportunity to build relationships with communities by promoting physical activity and rivalry based on respect and mutual trust. These values are the priority for the Lubawa Group. On this occasion, representatives of Lubawa S.A, "MIRANDA" Spółka z o.o. and Litex Promo Sp. o.o. actively participated in the orientation rally. The management boards of the Lubawa Group companies eagerly joined the initiative of their employees and supported the companies representatives in the rally.

Orientation rally "Tracker" is a rally which goal is to overcome the designated route, find check points and perform special tasks of varying difficulty. Participants have at their disposal maps with marked points that must be found at the appointed time. Rally takes place partly at night, which is an additional difficulty, and also a challenge for all teams.

Lubawa Group, represented by two teams, undoubtedly marked its presence on the rally. Both teams completed the 40-kilometer rally route with great results. Teamwork is what we focus on in the Lubawa Group, because it builds positive relationships among employees and always leads to success.

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