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Pneumatic floats are made of rubberized fabrics which are fixed to the helicopters body; their function is to quickly open from the cover and, after quick filling, to keep the helicopter on water surface, enabling the crew and the passengers to get to life rafts after ditching.

Types of floats:
  • PG-1300
  • PG-1300 A means the version with additional reinforcement of the protector

One helicopter can take in a set of 6 floats, cylinder-shaped with semicircular end. Each float consists of two independent chambers, in which one-way valves and pressure-relief valves are installed.

Basic parameters:
  • mass with fittings 8.6 +/- 0.8 kg
  • length 1900 +/- 50 mm
  • diameter 1040 +/- 50 mm

The length and diameter measured when filled to working pressure 100 hPa


PNEUMATIC FLOATS is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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Lubawa S.A. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, NIP 744-00-04-276, REGON 510349127, KRS 0000065741, Prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto I Wilda W Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy wynosi 30.054.000 zł i został w całości opłacony, BDO 000010404, będąca „dużym przedsiębiorcą” w rozumieniu art. 4 punkt 6) ustawy z dnia 08.03.2013r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych