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Technical fabrics of Lubawa S.A. presented at Techtextil trade fair

The trade fair in Frankfurt am Main proved to be extremely important for Lubawa Group Companies. A wide range of Lubawa S.A. products met with great interest of the visitors to Messe Frankfurt on 4-7 May.

This year's Techtextil trade fair featured nearly 1,500 exhibitors from more than 40 countries around the world. Numerous visitors had a chance to learn about many products of Lubawa S.A., such as fabrics, tapes, lifts, multi-layered composites and coated fabrics. Thanks to the cooperation of companies within the Group, the offer of both Lubawa S.A. and Miranda Sp. z o.o. can include such a broad range of coated technical fabrics.

In terms of the product range of Lubawa S.A., what attracted particular interest during the fair were the lifts, fabrics intended for pneumatic structures, protective clothing and anti-static fabrics. The latest technologies and solutions were presented in the offer of fabrics intended for such sectors as civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, chemical industry, automotive, rail and aircraft industry. The product range was also addressed to the companies operating in the medical and hygiene products sector, in the production of advanced protective clothing and footwear, as well as in agriculture, metallurgy and road construction.

Production of such a broad range of fabrics dedicated to various industries is possible thanks to the close cooperation between the Lubawa Group companies in the field of manufacturing and processing of fabrics and knitted fabrics.

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