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Lubawa S.A. as a partner of the “Light Metals 2015” conference

The science and technology conference organised by the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals – Light Metals Division in Skawina commemorated the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Light Metals Division of the Institute. Lubawa S.A. was a partner of this event.

“Light Metals 2015” [Polish: “Metale Lekkie 2015”] conference took place on 22-24 April. The event was held in the Conference Centre in the Niepołomice Royal Castle. The Light Metals Division of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, which already contributed to the technological development of domestic light metals industry, celebrated the anniversary of its operations.

During the conference the participants addressed the themes of advanced technologies and casting equipment, as well as a new generation of materials based on light metal alloys. It was an excellent opportunity to exchange experience for the specialists from companies producing semi-finished and finished products of light metals and the scientists from universities and research institutes. The scope of activities of the Light Metals Division currently also includes participation in the research programme for the national defence and security.

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