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Exposition of Lubawa S.A. rescue equipment for the Belarusian delegation

The exposition of equipment supporting rescue operations took place on 20 November this year. The exposition was organised for the delegates from Belarus.

It was attended by the experts on rescue equipment and equipment supporting rescue operations. During the exposition, special protective clothing – a chemical protective suit used to protect the skin against chemical and biological warfare agents, a suit used for working in water, and the latest Straż 80N life jacket. The certified flood protection products as well as floating equipment produced by Lubawa S.A. have attracted particular interest. Moreover, among the products presented, there was also the Milagro jump cushion, decontamination cabin and the NP-38 pneumatic tent.

The guests from Belarus were the owners and directors of the Pożarna Technika [Fire Brigade Technique] company from Minsk and the former head of the Volunteer Fire Department of the Republic of Belarus – Sergiej Natsewski. The exposition was also attended by the owner of the Sprzęt i Zabudowy Pojazdów Specjalistycznych [Special Vehicle Body and Equipment] company – Waldemar Szybicki.

The implementation of the products covered by the expositions is not threatened by fire, since these are products entirely produced in the Lubawa S.A. factories in Lubawa and Grudziądź.

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