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Lubawa S.A. at a conference on supplies to UNHCR

Representatives of Lubawa S.A. took part in the conference on tender procedures for the UNHCR organisation. Selected suppliers of aid products from all over the world, who participated in the tender, met at the seat of the organisation in Budapest.

UNHCR organisation provides assistance to refugees all over the globe. UNHCR lectures took place on 18-20 December 2014. The conference in Budapest concerned the tender procedure for the supply of key aid products such as tents, bedroom mats, mosquito nets, blankets, food preparation kits, etc. High quality of Lubawa S.A. products for humanitarian organisations was confirmed by the fact that the company was included in the group of selected suppliers from all over the world. Lubawa S.A. was the only company from the area of Central and Eastern Europe that was chosen.

More information on the activity of UNHCR is available on the website

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