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The Tent-Based Emergency Operations Unit is a system of tents and equipment designed for emergency scenarios and other operations carried out by Emergency Management Centers, Police Forces, Military Operations Forces, Territorial Defense Forces and National Firefighting Services.

The Unit’s setup may be freely customized, depending on the type and scope of operations, size of the emergency team, or location. The Unit is composed of two basic elements, namely NST-71 Technical Tent and a smaller N-27 rigid-frame tent. The NST-71 tent is used as space that can be utilized for decontamination of vehicles, swab testing point, and after closing down two gable walls it can be converted into a storage space for equipment, vehicles, etc. After fitting the inner liner, floor and optional internal partition walls, the tent can be converted into a Command Center or office for a task team. N-27 is a connecting tent, which can also be used as a working, storage, sleeping, or refreshment space for the emergency team. It features two additional entrances on side walls, which allows for utilizing N-27 as the connector for two NST-71 Technical Tents. The tents feature standard airlocks that allow for easy connection of NST-71 and N-27 tents together, in order to customize the entire unit for specific ongoing operations.

The Unit features a standard lighting system, heater and habitation equipment (customized according to customer needs).


The N-27 tent is a universal tent intended to fulfil various tasks which require protection from diverse weather conditions. It can function as a sleeping tent, hospital (medical care unit), Command Center, field warehouse, etc. The tent is designed to be used in various environments and weather conditions, including high humidity levels and increased exposure to the sun (range of temperature -30°C to +50°C).

  • The frame is made of unified aluminum profiles
  • The double-sloped structure of the frame allows easy rainwater drainage
  • The tent’s sheathing is made of fire-resistant fabric, which is suspended on the metal frame via suspension ropes, which minimizes the time required to deploy the tent
  • Four entrances, one for each wall of the tent
  • Two triple-layered windows, one for each side wall of the tent
  • Two openings for connecting the heater/air conditioner
  • A floor fixed permanently to the tent sheathing, made of fire-resistant PVC-coated fabric
  • Tents can be connected in line
  • The heatshield is made of fire-resistant polyester fabric
  • The inner lining is made of fire-resistant knit fabric
  • Available colors: khaki / beige / orange / white


NST-71 is a large size universal tent intended to fulfil various tasks which require protection from diverse weather conditions. It can function as a sleeping tent, hospital (medical care unit), Command Center, field warehouse, etc. The tent is designed to be used in various environments and weather conditions, including high humidity levels and increased exposure to the sun (range of temperature -30°C to +50°C).


TENT-BASED EMERGENCY OPERATIONS UNIT is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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