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Tent connector can be used as a passage for several tents or hospital or military bases. The canopy of the connector is permanently attached to the floor and frame and is made of woven fabric coated on one side and resistant to atmospheric conditions. On each wall there is a door with zip fasteners; tent door flaps can be rolled up and clipped with buckles. The pneumatic frame is made of woven fabric coated on both sides, with good resistance to abrasion. The frame has a two-compartment design; each compartment has a set of valves. The removable floor of the tent is permanently attached to the canopy of the tent and is made from non-slip fabrics. Additionally, the connector has a cable with two IP54 plugs. Inside the connector, on the frame, there are also mounting brackets to attach the lighting, net or other accessories. The connector is adapted to modular connection by flanges to both the old (NP-16, NP-26, NP-38) and new type of tents. It also contains a repair kit and a carrying pouch with attachments to secure the tent to the ground. The set is packed into a transport bag with a strap and snap buckles.







TENT CONNECTOR is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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