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The PPT 4T PRO Tent is a military, multi-purpose, Personal Patrol Tent intended for performance of various tasks that require isolation from adverse atmospheric conditions. The PPT 4T PRO tent is designed to accommodate from 4 up to 6 persons. This is a self-supporting / freestanding solution, with help of frame, pegs and guy lines (tensioner ropes).

It might be assembled as whole set of outer tent and inner tent, as well as the outer tent only. Extremely lightweight construction and quick assembling / dissembling ensures usefulness during daily service. The tent is prepared for use in different terrain and climate conditions, also with large air humidity and in large sun exposure (external temperature range from -30°C to +40°C).

PPT 4T PRO Tent is compatible with Individual Camouflage Screen (IEM) for additional masking feature.

The PPT 4T PRO tent is designed in 3 sizes: 1 person, 2 persons and 4-6 persons.

Main characteristics of the PPT 4T PRO tent:

− Frame:
  • Frame is made out of aluminium with rubber joints.
  • Frame is designed with minimization of loose elements for ensuring quick assembling / dissembling process.
  • No unique / special tools are needed for assembling / dissembling.
  • All frame poles are same length.
  • Frame poles might be repaired easily if broken.
  • Self-supporting / free-standing system, with the help of frame, pegs and guy lines (tensioner ropes).
− Outer tent:
  • Outer tent is made out of extremely light, dark green HT Ripstop fabric designed for heavy duty service.
  • All joints of a fabric are sewn with sealing to ensure it is watertight.
  • Outer tent is designed to be compatible with inner tent as well as it might be used as standalone solution.
  • It is equipped with snow skirts (approx. 150 mm wide) to increase the isolation level as well as it might be used for loading the weight (soil, sand, etc.) for extremely hard weather conditions.
  • It is designed with two entrances / exits located in the vestibules, along the long sides of a tent.
  • One of the vestibules ensures the space for 4 –6 40L backpacks, while one person may still enter the tent.
  • The frame poles sleeves are closed at one end to make assembling quick and easy.
− Inner tent:
  • Inner tent is made out of three main fabrics:
    • HT Ripstop fabric as for main part of a cabin
    • Polypropylene knitted scrim as for floor.
    • Mesh 100% PES for two air slitsas for ventilation parts.
  • The inner tent ensure increasing the usage comfort of a tent by giving advantages for heat / cold / water isolation as well as for insects isolation.
  • Ventilation mesh ensures fresh air access even if zippers are closed tightly.
  • Floor part of the inner tent goes approx. 100 mm above the ground level to increase the isolation against water.
  • Inside the inner tent are located attachment points for drying line as well as multifunctional pockets.
− Additional floor / footprint:
  • Additional floor / footprint is made out of same fabric as used for main floor in inner tent.
  • Footprint gives advantages such as additional ground isolation layer for tent assembling in hard terrain and helps keeping main floor clean what is important during tent dissembling.
  • Footprint is designed to fit the size and shape of the outer tent.
− Other:
  • All components of the tent are being packed firstly in individual bags with closing mechanisms for securing against falling out stuff from the inside (main bag and inner tent bag –made outof a fabric used for the floor / pegs bag, repair kit bag and frame bag –made out of a main fabric that is used for the outer and inner tent).
  • Whole set of a tent is packed into a foil bag to make the collective transportation more easy and comfortable.
  • PPT 4T PRO tent comes with all needed fixing elements, as well as with spare parts (repair kit).
    • Number of transport bags as listed in Table 1.
    • Spare parts as listed in Table 2.
    • Fixing elements as listed in Table 3.
Table 1
Aluminium frame
Outer tent (with tensioner ropes)
Inner tent
Repair kit (for tent & frame)
Length1 (innertent)
2280 mm
Width1 (inner tent)
2200 mm
Height1 (inner tent)
1080 mm
Surface1 (usage floor area)
5 m2
Max. Weight2
7400 g
Table 2
Spare parts (repair kit)PPT 4T PRO
Main fabrics (for repair patches)
Glue / Sealant
Pegs 180 mm (20% as in Table 3)
Rope & tensioners (20% as in Table 3)
Accessories (i.e. toggle, buckles, etc.)
Repairing parts for frame (i.e. sleeves, rubbers, etc.)
1 Dimensions given in nominal values. May vary slightly according to production tolerance.

2 Weight / number of elements refers to: outer tent, inner tent, frame, fixing elements, repair kit and bags (without footprint).Surface1(usage floor area)5 m2Max. Weight27400 gTable 3Fixing elementsPPT 4T PROTensioner ropes (included in outer tent)7Pegs 180 mm (for all designed attachment points and guy lines)16PERSONAL PATROL TENTPPT 4T PRO
Table 3
Fixing elementsPPT 4T PRO
Tensioner ropes (included in outer tent)
Pegs 180 mm (for all designed attachment points and guy lines)


PPT PRO SERIES is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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