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NST-71 is a large-size universal tent designed for various tasks requiring isolation from the influence of unfavorable weather conditions. The tent can be used as a sleeping tent, hospital tent (for medical protection), command post, field warehouse, etc. The tent is suitable for use in various terrain and climate conditions, including high humidity and intensive sunlight (outdoor temperature range from -30 ° C to + 50 ° C).

  • Two entrances in the front walls, one each on the wall (dimensions approx. 200 x 170 cm), closed with zippers. The entrances are rolled up and fastened with straps and snap clasps.
  • Six windows for lighting and ventilating the tent (dimensions approx. 70 x 115 cm), 3 on each side of the tent. The window has a foldable pane made of transparent foil and a flap cover made of the same material as the tent cover. The pane and the flap are rolled up and fastened with Velcro straps. Additionally, the window is equipped with a detachable mosquito net (mesh).
  • Two front walls of the tent can be suspended or completely detached.
  • Four technical sleeves, placed in the side walls, used for heating the tent by means of external heaters or ventilating the tent with fans equipped with flexible hoses.
  • Two technical sleeves located in the side walls for cables and wires.
  • With the use of special modular elements, the tent can be combined with other tents in series or in parallel, which ensures unlimited expansion possibilities, larger floorspace and increased functionality.
  • Guy lines, pegs, pins for fixing to the ground and stabilizing the tent in changing weather conditions.
  • Two sets of ropes for suspending entrances (front walls).

Available colors: khaki/beige/grey/white.


NST-71 TENT is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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