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Dry suit intended to be used in rescue operations and while executing special tasks on or in water. The dry suit protects the body against getting wet and hypothermia. It provides buoyancy in the water, enabling wearers to float on the surface of water.

The suit is made of multilayer polyester fabric which is stitched and glued. It is resistant to mechanical damage such as tearing or puncture. It enables performing tasks in waters contaminated with sewage or oil-based products.

The suit is fitted with two waterproof zips with rubber reinforcements glued around them to protect the zips against breaking off. One of the zips is glued in the shoulder area and it is used for putting the suit on or taking it off, while the other one is glued horizontally below the waist and it serves as a fly.
Nonslip rubber pads providing protection against abrasion have been placed on the knees and buttocks areas. Suspenders fastened with buckles have been stitched inside in the waist area. In the upper part of the suit, in the chest area, there is a body belt with a hook for fastening and releasing a lifeline. The colour of the tape used to make the body belt matches the colour of the suit. The body belt comes in a masking colour with a khaki tape, with black buckles and a hook. On the sides of the pants, there are pockets for additional equipment.

WOJSKA INŻYNIERYJNE (MILITARY ENGINEERING) inscription has been placed on the back of the suit – the inscription is in black masking colour.

All stitches outside have been protected with a sealing tape.


STANDARD KHAKI DRY SUIT is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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