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THIS PLATE CARRIER FEATURES a simple, lightweight design. With its dimensions and feather-like weight, it is a perfect solution as a basic vest for Police Officers and other Uniformed Forces representatives.
  • The vest is designed to carry the minimum of two ballistic plates (front and rear) with the dimensions of 325 x 245 mm. The ballistic resistance level for the front and rear plates depends on the resistance class of the applied plates.
  • The vest can be upgraded with additional pockets for side panels with dimensions 150 x 150 mm, attached via the PALS/MOLLE system. The ballistic resistance level for the side plates depends on the resistance class of the applied plates.
  • The vest sheathing features mounting stripes compatible with the PALS/MOLLE system designed to carry equipment.
  • The vest has an evacuation grip (at the back), which allows for evacuating the wounded/unconscious person.
  • Adjustable shoulder straps and an adjustable side system in the form of straps and clasps ensure ergonomics of use.
  • The main sheathing of the vest and additional equipment is made of durable, heavy-duty textile.
  • In order to increase the thermal comfort of the user, the internal layer of the vest (closest to the user's body) is made of high-strength 3D spacing mesh, enabling air circulation under the vest.


PLATE CARRIER PCB 2.0 is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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