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The suit is designed to safeguard people from chemical and biological agents used in combat, but it can also be used while working in chemically aggressive environment, or in the event of disasters involving production, storing and transporting poisonous gases and liquids.

It meets the requirements of “EN 14126 Protective clothing - Performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing against infective agents”.

The suit meets the requirements of “EN 14605 Protective clothing against liquid chemicals - performance requirements for clothing with liquid-tight (Type 3) or spray-tight (Type 4) connections, including items providing protection to parts of the body only (Types PB [3] and PB [4])”.

Resistance to penetration by liquid inorganic chemicals:
  • Sulphuric acid 96% - class 3
  • Nitric acid 65% - class 5
  • hydrochloric acid 38% – class 5
  • sodium hydroxide 50% - class 5
  • potassium hydroxide 50% - class 5
  • ammonium hydroxide 25% - class 5


L-2 CHEMICAL - RESISTANT GARMENT is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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Lubawa S.A. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, NIP 744-00-04-276, REGON 510349127, KRS 0000065741, Prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto I Wilda W Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy wynosi 30.054.000 zł i został w całości opłacony, BDO 000010404, będąca „dużym przedsiębiorcą” w rozumieniu art. 4 punkt 6) ustawy z dnia 08.03.2013r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych