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Inflatable rescue sleds are made of extremely durable and damage-resistant fabric coated with Hypalon, which gives the sled very high resistance to abrasion and puncturing, for example, resulting from contact with the rough surface of ice. Thanks to this, users of this equipment are convinced of its reliability and high durability. Additional extra-smooth strips placed at the bottom of each longitudinal element improve movement of the unit on the surface of ice, allowing faster access to the victim. The flexible tube bends in a controlled manner, allowing uniform movement of the unit on the surface of ice, irrespective of its irregularities.

At both top parts the sled is equipped with three anchor points for firm attachment of leading line, ensuring support of the rescue operation from the shore. The sled is equipped with two paddles that allow to move it to the victim by alternating rowing. The floor of the sled is made of rigid PVC foam modules. It is positioned directly over the surface of water or ice, which makes it easy to pull the victim out, without having to lean out over the side, as in the case of, i.e. lifeboats. This is particularly useful in situation where the victim is suspected to have suffered spinal injury and thus irreversible changes might occur in case of additional dislocation of vertebrae. The lineattached to the outer edge of the sled can be easily grasped by the drowning person. Inside the rescue area there are also a number of belts allowing, among others, proper fastening for the passengers. The top areas are equipped with handles for leading the sled and with safety to attach alineconnected to the emergency belt, which effectively protects the rescuers.

The unit can be filled using a cylinder with compressed air, by a foot bellows or compressor. The system is filled within a couple of seconds, which is crucial in rescue operations. The undeniable advantage of the pneumatic solutions is the small size of the equipment after folding, which allowsmuch easier transport and eliminates the need for additional holding and carrying long, oversized elements.


RESCUE SLED is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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