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This jump cushions are designed to evacuate people from dangerous areas, especially from upper floors of buildings under fire in case of hard access for other heavy equipment.

The structural basis of the jump cushion is a frame made of air-tight rubbercoated fabric. The jump cushion expands automatically when the compressed-air cylinder is opened. The frame automatically rises and assumes the shape of the cushion. Simultaneously, the inner compartment is filled through the openings in the side walls of the cushion. When the falling body comes in contact with the surface of the landing area, the pneumatic frame deforms and bends. The volume of the chambers is reduced and the condensed air escapes in a controlled way through the openings in the side walls of the cushion. After removing the load, the air frame rises automatically. After 20 seconds the jump cushion is ready to absorb another jump. The frequency of jumps is determined by the time required for a person to leave the cushion. There is no need to refill it with compressed air. Estimated life of the jump cushion – 15 years.

Milagro 2 and Moratex M inflatable platforms have CNBOP certificates for a 16 m jump, and Milagro 2 inflatable platform passed tests for 23 m jump by CNBOP.


MORATEX M JUMP CUSHION is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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