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Barrier is designed for building floodbanks or for their elevation. Consists of two sleeves. Internal sleeve is to be filled with water. External sleeve serves as its sheathing. The system’s advantages are small weight, it’s easy to move, store and install. Barriers are packed by three pieces a set, together with closing straps.

height about 40-50 cm (depending on the terrain)
width about 100 cm
length 10 m (one segment can contain about 3000 dm of water)
weight of one barrier about 10 kg
dimensions of packed barrier: 1,1m x 40cm x 5 cm.

One 10m segment substitutes about 170 sandbags. Barriers can be connected with one another. In case of a higher level of flood water, greater height may be obtained by placing a third barrier on two previously filled ones – in the form of pyramid. Flood barriers system was patented in the Patent Office (no. 195058).


FLOOD BARRIER 10 M WITH INTERNAL SLEEVE 23 M (POLYESTER) is one of many products in this category. Full product specification and related products in this category are available via the following links.

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