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The beginning of a year 2013 commences a wave of presentations of new undertakings by the Lubawa Group. They are the result of cooperation with foreign industry leaders in uniformed services equipment and with the Polish research institutes. The transfer of technology from foreign partners and the implementation of Polish engineering concepts allow us to offer unique products to the keenly interested market.

- Due to the agreements signed with foreign contractors, including among others from the Marck Group, a French market leader in personal protective equipment, our product range will be expanded with a bulletproof vest for women which is intended in particular for the Police. A high percentage of women in the Polish Police requires their proper ballistic protection, and our product complements the existing gap on the market – says Marcin Kubica, President of the Management Board of Lubawa S.A.

The Group focuses on the individual equipment of the “Soldier of the Future” which includes barrier protective clothing, gas mask and camouflage poncho. The offer also includes ballistic helmets and specialist footwear. The introduction of the abovementioned products to the offer is possible due to the concluded agreements with the Italian company Aero Sekur, a leader, among others, in the field of lightweight pneumatic constructions, and two American companies MSA (manufacturer of ballistic helmets) and Bates (producer of specialist footwear).

The customers of Lubawa Group's new products will not only be the widely understood uniformed services, but also local crisis services for whom we offer lightweight flood barriers. They are a cheap and simple alternative to sand bags usually used during a flood.

In addition to the cooperation with foreign entities, the Group completes projects with Polish research institutes (Military University of Technology, Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Engineering Institute of Polymer Materials and Dyes, Military Institute of Engineering Technology) allowing to introduce products and technologies unique on a global scale. This cooperation makes the LUBAWA Group one of the leaders of implementation of engineering sciences achievements in the economy, as well as patents and licenses turnover.

- The obtained UN certification confirms the high quality of our products and the trust put to them by the international customers, all the more that the Lubawa Group was the only Polish company participating in the UN Providers' Forum. We launched the production of products dedicated for the United Nations, such as for refugees, mosquito nets for UNICEF and bulletproof vests for UN troops – says Marcin Kubica, President of the Management Board of Lubawa S.A.

In the opinion of the Management Board, the expanded product offer will result in subsequent quarters in the increase of sales volume and their innovation will provide attractive margins.

The Group will regularly report on the execution of specific implementations.

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Lubawa S.A. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, NIP 744-00-04-276, REGON 510349127, KRS 0000065741, Prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto I Wilda W Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy wynosi 30.054.000 zł i został w całości opłacony, BDO 000010404, będąca „dużym przedsiębiorcą” w rozumieniu art. 4 punkt 6) ustawy z dnia 08.03.2013r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych