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Mobile flood protection show in Dobczyce

Controlled discharge of water from the front dam of the reservoir in Dobczyce was an opportunity for presenting and testing different types of technical solutions that provide mobile flood protection. This was the first experience of such type on a national scale.

The show was attended by the Polish manufacturers of mobile flood protection devices. Among them was also Lubawa S.A., the leader in the delivery of flood barriers. Lubawa tested its 20 m and 10 m long flood mitigation dams on the Raba river. These flood barriers manufactured by Lubawa S.A. are made of reinforced bilaterally rubberised polyester fabric with a unique design (patented in the Polish Patent Office). The dams fulfilled their task, notwithstanding the rising water. After the water level dropped from 1.1 m to 0.2 m, it was observed that the barriers were not moved by the immense power of high water. In addition, the company also presented the equipment dedicated to the fire brigade, such as the Lubawa 8 jump cushion, pneumatic tent, rescue sled, as well as special clothing – 80N fire brigade vest, Cobra special fire-fighting clothing and suit for water work.

The event took place on 18 May, with the participation of authorities and such notable persons as Jerzy Miller, the Voivode of Małopolska [Lesser Poland], Marek Kowalski, Chief Brigadier and Deputy Chief Commandant of the State Fire Service, Provincial Commandants of the State Fire Service, representatives of fire safety schools, as well as a large group of volunteer firefighters. The event was connected with the exercises of the State Fire Service, which carried out the rescue drill being a reflection of the activities undertaken during the flood. As part of the training, an artificial flood wave was generated on the dam in Dobczyce through partial opening of the dam on the Raba river, which created extreme conditions that may arise in case of flood. The event allowed the participants to verify the effectiveness of mobile flood protection at the risk of flooding with water rising to the level of 1.1 m.

The show was organised by the Voivode of Małopolska and the State Fire Service, with the participation of the Municipality and Town Office of Dobczyce.

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