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Lubawa S.A. participates in conference on the anniversary of Polish Sappers Association

The celebration of 15th anniversary of the founding of Polish Sappers Association took place on 18 September in the Club of Military University of Technology in Warsaw. The jubilee celebration together with the conference „Tactics and technique of military engineering yesterday and tomorrow” were organized by the Polish Sappers Association, the Military University of Technology and in cooperation with the Central Military Library. Lubawa Group was the supporting partner of the event.

Polish Sappers Association is a non-governmental, professional organisation, which brings together ex- and active-duty soldiers, that is sappers and employees of Military Engineering in formations of Polish Armed Forces and on military missions as well as combatants and veterans of resistance movement. Main objective of the activities is to integrate sapper community, cultivate and popularise the sapper traditions in the national memory, particularly among young people, and to promote matters of national defence and care for national memorials.

The conference on the anniversary of the founding of the Association was opened by prof. Zdzisław Bogdanowicz, PhD, the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of MUT. The conference addressed important issues, including, engineering activities over the 20th century, current status and demand for machinery and equipment of military engineering, crossing equipment of military engineering. Marcin Kubica, President of the Management Board of Lubawa S.A. was one of the speakers at the conference. He discussed the topic: Engineering-sapper technology included in the offer of Lubawa Group.

The conference was attended by prof. Paweł Cieślar, PhD, Vice-Rector of National Defence Academy, lecturers of some faculties of MUT, numerous sappers and other military staff.

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