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Lubawa S.A. has signed a major cooperation agreement with the US leader

On 7th November this year, in the headquarters of Lubawa S.A. located in Ostrów Wielkopolski, the agreement for strategic cooperation between SKYDEX Technologies Inc., Lubawa USA and Lubawa S.A was signed.

The agreement assumes an exclusive authorisation of Lubawa Group to distribute unique products within the territory of Poland, i.e. mats suppressing effects of improvised explosive devices exploding under the floor of the vehicle. Skydex products included in the offer of the group are the world's number 1 in this product category. The products have been already delivered to more than 18 thousand vehicles all over the world. They are the basic products used in the US Army vehicles. The agreement for cooperation was concluded thanks to negotiations with Skydex representatives conducted by Lubawa USA Management Board.

'We are proudly including the world's leader's product in our offer. We are glad that this commercial activity has resulted from an effective action taken by Lubawa USA. In the following days, we expect further activity, also with American companies', commented Marcin Kubica, CEO of Lubawa S.A. This product segment perfectly matches our offer for the sector connected with the security of facilities. In terms of vehicle equipment, the product will enrich the offer which already includes vehicle ballistics, active protection system, explosion-proof seats, mobile camouflage and vests for drivers. Discussions with leading vehicle manufacturers as regards implementation of Skydex solutions to their products are already underway.

The agreement was signed by: Tad Skoczynski, CEO of Lubawa USA, James Tylor, CEO of SKYDEX Technologies Inc., and Marcin Kubica, CEO of Lubawa S.A.

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Lubawa S.A. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, NIP 744-00-04-276, REGON 510349127, KRS 0000065741, Prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań - Nowe Miasto I Wilda W Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy wynosi 30.054.000 zł i został w całości opłacony, BDO 000010404, będąca „dużym przedsiębiorcą” w rozumieniu art. 4 punkt 6) ustawy z dnia 08.03.2013r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych